ARCP Requirements
The following requirements have been agreed by the Mersey T&O ARCP panel.
You should ensure your portfolio is up to date and includes the following evidence in good time for the review:
Learning Agreement: you MUST ensure in the Learning Agreement section, that your “Objective Setting” and “Interim Meeting”, “Final Meeting” and “Educational Supervisors Report” are both completed and fully signed off by you and your AES.
JCST Survey: you MUST complete the JCST trainee survey for all placements you have completed (this can only be when you are in the last two months of your placement or after your placement has finished). This is your opportunity to feedback on the training you have received and will be reported to the Head of School of Surgery. Please note the survey is completed via your ISCP account and is in addition to the GMC survey. To access the JCST survey on ISCP, from the “Dashboard” drop down menu, click on “Training History”. This should bring up a list of your placements. Click the box to the right of the placement (usually saying Survey not started or Survey in progress).
Logbook & SAC Indicative Logbook; you should ensure your electronic logbook is up to date. The expectation is to have 150 cases per 6-month rotation and 70% of these should be ST-S or ST-U.
Workplace Based Assessments (WBAs): following the change in the curriculum, the requirements for WBAs have now also changed.
The TPD has provided the latest guidance regarding WBAs which can be found here.
WBAs should be carried out regularly (aim for 1 WBA per week) with a range of assessors. Assessments should include comments by the assessor reflecting feedback given on performance and areas for improvement. All WBAs must be validated to count towards the minimum number required. There are a number of Critical Conditions that need to be signed off at level 4 before completion of training. These CBDs/CEXs should be linked to the critical condition section of the syllabus. It is also recommended trainees keep a log book of critical conditions in the "Other Evidence" section of ISCP.
Average Weekly Timetable: you should record an AVERAGE weekly timetable in the “Timetable/Rotas” part of the “Evidence” section of your ISCP portfolio.
Curriculum Vitae: you should upload a current CV on ISCP.
School of Surgery Teaching Attendance: attendance at the teaching programme is mandatory and a minimum of 70% attendance is required. This means your actual attendance must be 70% or above. Please note that most on-call commitments will not be accepted as a valid reason for non-attendance. Your Trust must accommodate you to attend.
Audit: You are expected to have an active involvement in audit and make progress with a project in each placement on the rotation. Your audit activity MUST be recorded in the “Audit” part of the “Evidence” section on ISCP. It is recommended that your audit activity is assessed using the Assessment of Audit WBA. The minimum requirement is 1 audit every 12 months but the recommendation is to do 1 audit every 6 months. You MUST have completed 2 full-cycle audits before CCT.
Multi Source Feedback (MSF): The MSF should be completed 4-5 months in to your training year and should be signed off by your AES to ensure the feedback report can be viewed on ISCP at the time of the Interim Review. It is a minimum requirement to have completed 1 MSF every 12 months.
Personal Development Plan (PDP): A personal development plan is a documented action plan of your aspirations with regards to your development. It is a requirement to write a PDP every year of training. This should be documented on ISCP under the "Other Evidence" and then "Miscellaneous" tab. Guidance on how to write a PDP is given here and should be followed closely.
Reflection: Regular reflection is required and this should be formally recorded within the ISCP portfolio. Reflective writing should be logged under the "Other Evidence" and then "Miscellaneous" tab in ISCP. It is suggested that the Gibb reflective cycle is used as a structure for this writing with a 200 word limit.
Form R: Complete whichever part/s are required as per the guidance; please note this should be within 4 weeks of your ARCP and by the deadline above. The information you provide on Part B is to cover the period from your last ARCP (not interim review). This includes a self-declaration on scope of practice, significant events, complaints, compliments, probity and health. Please note that you should record every locum post with the correct dates on your Form R.
More details and the Form R can be found at the following links:
- Guidance for trainees and trainers on undertaking additional work:
- Link to Form R:
T&O CCT Requirements Evidence Document; you need to complete the relevant attached “T&O CCT Requirements Evidence Document” and upload to ISCP in the “Other Evidence” section. (See below for more information)
Certification Guidelines, Waypoint Forms and Penultimate Year Checklists; You should familiarise yourself with the guidelines for your specialty, please see for further information, the waypoint forms and penultimate year checklist are also available via this link, if applicable to your specialty.
Useful Documents
- T&O Curriculum 2021-2022
- T&O Certification Guidelines
- CCT Checklist Document (Trainee Progression Form)
- CCT RAG Checklist Document - For ST7 and ST8 Trainees
Minimum Checklist for ARCP
- CV
- Timetable
- 2-3 Reflections
- Covid-19 Diary - to evidence if your rotation has been significantly disrupted by Covid-19. This is a mandatory requirement for an outcome 10
- CCT Checklist (Trainee Progression Form)
- eLogbook
- UKITE and Mr Miller Deanery Exam Scores
- 2 x MCR (Multi-Consultant Reports)
- 1 x Audit
- 1 x OOT (observation of Training)
- 10 WBAs - per 6 months
- 1 x MSF (Multi-Source Feedback)
- Form R - for Final ARCP only