Monthly Meetings
'58 Committee
Mersey Orthopaedic Mentoring
The ’58 Society was founded in 1958 by Orthopaedic Surgeons working in and around Liverpool. It originated as an alternative to the Orthopaedic Circle, the monthly meeting of the senior Orthopaedic consultants in the region, which was itself established in 1944.
Surgeons in the Circle at that time included B McFarland, TP McMurray, R Watson-Jones, A O’Malley, G Osborne and G Thomas. The ’58 Society was established by the more junior consultant surgeons as a place to meet, discuss interesting cases and share ideas.
This monthly meeting has been an institute in the Mersey region ever since. In 1976 Professor Bentley opened membership to Senior Registrars and it has now evolved into an inclusive Society for all Orthopaedic Trainees in the region.
The ’58 is a forum to discuss cases, educate and socialise. The meetings take place on the first Wednesday of every month and in general follow the registrar orthopaedic teaching programme for the region.
There is an invited guest speaker, before the meeting is opened up to the floor for case discussions. This is followed by a sociable dinner. In addition to arranging a monthly meeting, the ’58 Society also organises the Registrars Day Annual Conference and Dinner. The conference showcases research within the region before the end of year black tie event. Here, the outgoing President delivers the, now infamous, Annual Lecture before handing over the reigns to the incoming President.